Britney Spears Wiki

Networking and Flirting is a concept used in the Britney Spears: American Dream game.


The "network" or "flirt" buttons come up when you chat with someone you see at an open location (marked by green doors). You have the option to network with them, or flirt with them.

  • If they accept, you can add them as a contact.
  • If they decline, you can either charm them with B-Gems, or you can cancel the contact request.


If you network with someone, they're added to your contacts list as a "network", which means you can invite them to events that they can help with. For example, if the person is an actor, you can invite them to TV appearances and help boost your fan count.


If you flirt with someone, you can go on dates with them at cafes and restaurants, and progress your relationship. They can appear at some open events, and appear in the "ROMANCE" section of your Cover Creator.

! This article relates to the Britney Spears: American Dream game featuring the character of Britney Spears, and not the real world.