Y’all what dafuq is this song 😂😂🤣. FIRST OF ALL BRITNEY SAID. “Maint Yor BesNess Betch! 🤬🤬🖕😤” Which was hilarious as fuck and she said it twice in case you didn’t listen 💀💀💀. Anyway I don’t like Britney on the trap. When it becomes a bouncy European electro slick pop song I actually really like it 💀. It’s comical 💀 but luckily I think that was done intentionally. And what an outro 😂. Like I actually really liked the ending lil trap thing she did like ok miss Brit 💀. I do like William on this track. HOWEVER! Somehow I can’t help but to feel as this would’ve sounded better with Fergie. I also like that
Britney’s vocals are clear, well to a point cuz most of it mrs mama been a rappa mkay? But when she did song she added a lil vocoder which is ok cuz it wasn’t accesive as…you know , hold my jeans closer Hee Hee. also for some reason she sounds a lil tired Let’s not?
Honestly all though it wasn’t a boom wow song AND Britney can sound tired on the track, it’s a fun listen . 8/10 , better than hold my wig with glue closer.
And as always…
Bech 🤬🖕